Exploring the Emotional Vibration Chart for Spiritual Healing and Inner Balance

By Body and Soul Ascension Mastery

Many people seek emotional well-being and spiritual healing through various practices and techniques. One such tool is the Emotional Vibration Chart, which represents different emotions and their corresponding vibrational frequencies. The chart provides a level-based representation of emotions, making it easy to use and understand. Understanding the vibrational frequency of our emotions helps us identify areas of imbalance and work toward a state of harmony.

This chart can help us understand our emotions, identify areas for personal growth, and achieve a more balanced life.

The information presented is based on my spiritual research and does not rely on Dr. Newton’s chart or any other external source.

What are the Emotional Vibration Chart and Spiritual Healing?

What are the Emotional Vibration Chart and Spiritual Healing?

The frequency at which our emotions resonate is called Emotional Vibration. Emotions have a vibrational frequency that determines their intensity and impact on our lives. Higher vibrational emotions make us feel more alive, connected, and at peace, such as love, joy, and gratitude. Lower vibrational emotions, such as fear, anger, and sadness, can drain our energy, cloud our judgment, and hinder our spiritual growth.

Spiritual healing is aligning our mind, body, and spirit to restore balance and harmony. It is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Working with our emotional vibrations can help identify areas of imbalance and facilitate deeper healing.

The progress of spiritual healing can be tracked using the Vibrational Chart. Staying in a feeling of generosity can increase the likelihood of reaching a higher soul vibration level. 

Exploring the Emotional Vibration Chart

The Emotional Vibration Chart includes a variety of emotions, each with its unique energy signature. It is important to note that our soul vibration, or level of awareness, is closely linked to our typical range of emotions and feelings.

Soul healing or spiritual healing involves purging ourselves of negative emotions and embracing higher vibrational ones, as outlined below for each spiritual vibration level.

I developed the Emotional Vibration Chart below over many years of spiritual research and testing. It is a visual representation of different feelings and emotions and their corresponding vibrational frequencies. It has nothing to do with Dr. Newton’s chart, which has many discrepancies.

The chart is based on the principles of energy and vibration and provides a framework for understanding the energetic nature of emotions and feelings and their impact on our daily lives. The 7 levels correspond to the vibration of the soul that aligns with the specific chakra vibration.

  • Level 1: Root chakra level (Muladhara) – Survival fears  – This is the level of the physical body, of the root chakra. The root chakra is the entrance gateway of Earth’s energy in our body where it transforms into the kundalini energy. It is the fuel that keeps our bodies alive and functioning. 

At this level, we talk about Survival instincts which are burned by design in our DNA. A focus on survival and basic needs characterizes this level. At this level, we may be driven by fear, competition, reproduction, and the pursuit of material wealth.  If one is dominated by this kind of fear he will be blocked at this level and won’t have many opportunities to follow his soul purpose in life.

  • Level 2: 2nd chakra level (Svadhisthana) – This level is associated with intense emotions and feelings specific to intimate and sexual relationships. Here, we experience tenderness and care for loved ones, as well as a unique form of love that is characteristic of this level of consciousness. We may also be driven by desires, attachments, lust, and a desire to possess the person we are attracted to. This level of consciousness also assumes physical proximity to people who share these emotions.
  • Level 3: 3rd chakra level (Manipura) – Mental Realm – This level is focused on our thoughts, beliefs, and the power of the mind. It is driven by our Ego, judgments, and the need to control our external circumstances. Here, we develop our intellect, logic, and reasoning abilities. This level is all about our approach to life, including our actions, determination, and astuteness. 

Positive feelings that elevate our vibrations at this level include courage, determination, and tenacity. We should prioritize higher principles that involve our community, such as working for its betterment and volunteering.

  • Level 4: 4th chakra level (Anahata) – Astral Realm – This level is the first above the material world as vibration, and is associated with our heart i.e. how close or distant we feel from the reality around us. It is where we can start developing our spiritual gifts and connect with our higher self. At this level, we may be driven by a deep sense of purpose, spiritual growth, and the desire to align with our true essence.
  • Level 5: 5th chakra level (Vishuddha) – Etheric Realm – This level of consciousness is focused more on Communication, both on the Horizontal with other people, nature, and animals, and also on the Vertical belonging to understanding messages from higher vibrations like from God, spiritual guides and so on.
  • Level 6: 6th chakra level (Ajna) – Intuitive Realm – At this level of the 6th chakra vibration, we use our third-eye chakra to discern the spiritual Causes of why things and events are as they are, starting to control spiritual energies, helping nature, etc. Opening our third eye chakra is a must if we want to reach this level as consciousness.

At this level, the feeling of Love is encompassing most of the reality around.

  • Level 7: 7th chakra level (Sahasrara) – Enlightenment Realm  –  This is the level of 7th chakra vibration, so of spiritual Enlightenment.  This level is about taking responsibility for all souls as a spiritual father. If we reach this level of consciousness, our emotions should match and be focused on altruism, a comprehensive understanding of reality, a natural impulse to help humanity and all creation, acceptance, forgiveness, and love for all.

I described in another post of mine the love emotions chart applied to the same vibration chart.

Identifying your current emotional and soul vibration

To effectively work with the Emotional Vibration Chart, it is essential to identify your current emotional vibration. Take a moment to reflect on your emotions and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I generally feel daily?
  • What emotions do I experience most frequently?
  • Are there any emotions that seem to dominate my life?
  • Do I feel more aligned with lower vibrational emotions or higher vibrational emotions?

Be honest with yourself and observe any patterns or tendencies that emerge. This self-awareness is the first step toward identifying areas of growth and transformation. Since we are naturally biased as humans due to our subconscious, ask people you trust and of higher morals in your family and close friends that know you for a long time, to confirm your answers.

You can also ask for a free reading of your soul and body vibration using the chakras scale on my site.

Techniques for raising your emotional vibration

Once you have identified your current emotional vibration, you can begin working towards raising it to a higher frequency. Here are some techniques to help you shift towards higher vibrational emotions:

  • Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation allows you to observe your emotions without judgment and cultivate a sense of inner peace. By regularly engaging in these practices, you can become more aware of your emotional states and consciously choose to shift towards higher vibrational emotions.

Incorporate the Emotional Vibration Chart into your meditation and breathwork practices. Visualize yourself moving up the chart, from lower vibrational emotions to higher vibrational emotions, as you breathe deeply and focus on raising your energetic frequency.

  • Gratitude practice: Cultivating a gratitude practice involves consciously acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life. By focusing on what you are grateful for, you shift your energy towards positivity and attract more positive experiences into your life.
  • Healing – beliefs release techniques: Sometimes, our lower vibrational emotions get trapped within us, causing energetic blockages and imbalances. Engaging in beliefs release techniques, such as journaling, breathwork, or energy healing, can help release these emotions and create space for higher vibrational energies to flow.
  • Surrounding yourself with positive influences: The people, diet, environments, and media we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our emotional vibration. Seek out positive influences, such as supportive friends, uplifting books or movies, and inspiring mentors, to raise your energetic frequency. Take care of your body vibration and eat higher vibration foods that promote your well-being. You can use a food vibration chart as a tool to review your diet. 
  • Self-reflection and journaling: Use the Emotional Vibration Chart as a reference point during self-reflection and journaling exercises. Ask yourself how you are feeling and identify the corresponding emotional vibration. Explore the underlying beliefs and experiences that contribute to your current emotional state and journal about ways to shift towards higher vibrational emotions.
  • Affirmations and visualizations: Create positive affirmations and visualizations that align with the higher vibrational emotions you wish to cultivate. Repeat these affirmations and engage in visualizations regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your energetic frequency.

I tested all the spiritual tools and procedures above and with many of my students and I assure you that by applying them diligently they will bring tremendous benefits both for your soul and body.

Embracing Balance and Harmony through the Emotional Vibration Chart

We, as souls, have taken a human body in this 3D world to experience a series of life lessons and raise our soul consciousness. Life lessons present themselves as obstacles and challenges. Only with heightened awareness can we understand, rise above, and overcome them.

If we rely solely on our five senses and limit ourselves to what science tells us, we risk becoming lost in a jungle of 3D stimuli that inundate us through various channels, such as those from the people around us and the mass media. This can cause us to lose our sense of direction in life.

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